Sunday, May 23, 2010

In The Yard:

I started calling my vegetable garden, "Year One".  I do this to cover for any newbie mistakes I'm making and to explain away a lack of plan in the design of the beds. 

Since my last post a few weeks ago (when we planted potatoes), we've expanded the beds again to make room for tomatoes and peppers.  I've also planted string beans and about ten billion sunflowers.  My goal is to make up for a sorry looking garden by covering the area with the fun blooms.  I also think my baby will get a kick out of them. 

Also under construction is our sprinkler system.  Steve has been spending the last few weekends designing and installing a drip irrigation system to water the beds on the north and west sides of the house.  I love that now I just turn the faucet on, set the hose timer for an hour or so..and walk away!  Set it and forget it.  I love it! 
In progress, we are setting up the back yard sprinkler system to include a drip irrigation to water the vegetable garden area.  We're waiting on a technician to come an replace a manifold in the control box. 

On the harvesting front:  We've enjoyed a small crop of broccoli rabe (and when I say "we", I mean "Me".  Steve hates broccoli with a passion). We're also enjoying an occasional lettuce harvest.  Next year, I will plan on planting more lettuce, in succession.

In the House: 

Other than re-arranging our living room furniture...not a lot to report yet. 
But here are a few pictures of the birds nests that keep making their home in the shed that Steve is building on Mom and Dad's property. 

In the Kitchen:

Seeing those birds nests reminded me of a childhood favorite.  My dad used to make what he called "Birds Nest".  As far as I know, I have never seen this recipe anywhere besides in my parents perhaps this is a Bruce C original? 
This is the kind of unrefined breakfast dish that I tend to make more often late at night, after a long day.  It's filling and satisfying and best enjoyed while curled up on the couch with a cat or two.

Birds Nest

First, soft-boil a couple of eggs.  I am notoriously bad at soft-boiling eggs...forgetting to take them off the heat before the yolks set too hard.  You will notice that one of the following photos includes white eggs....yes, I made this dish two times because I accidentally got distracted and hard-cooked the eggs.  A perfectly soft boiled egg is what MAKES this dish.  It is severely disappointing to eat this with hard-cooked eggs.  You have been warned. 

Next, place two shredded wheat biscuits in a bowl. 

Now for the weird part:  butter the shredded wheat and sprinkle with salt and coarsely cracked pepper. 

And for the even weirder part:  Ladle a bit of the egg water onto the wheat.  Not so much that they are completely soaked.  Just enough to soften the wheat and melt the butter...but leaving some of the shredded wheat still crunchy.  No one tops my Dad at this technique.  He is master.  

Now, crack the soft-boiled eggs onto the shredded wheat. 

Sprinkle with additional salt and pepper and enjoy!

Ahhhhhh......for me, this is the ultimate comfort food.   

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hard drive is!

Hi Everyone!

Just writing a short note to say that my regular schedule of posting will resume just as soon as the new hard drive Steve ordered is installed. We backed everything, so it isn't such a big deal....more like a silly inconvience since I am writing this blog post from my cell phone.
Technology is crazy.